WIR 3/5-3/11

Wednesday 3/5: Green-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, and a loon at Fresh Pond plus an eagle.

Thursday 3/6: Wood Duck, Tree Swallow, Pileated, couple eagles, etc at Great Meadows. Tiny bit of the res was open in the afternoon and had a bunch of mergansers and a few other ducks.

Friday 3/7: Too windy for much. Turkey Vulture over the Food Project fields, cowbirds at Nine Acre, and an eagle on the ice at the res.

Saturday 3/8: With no lapwing reports, started at Draw Seven. The Surf Scoters and a couple loons were still around but not much else. Since I was parked in the garage, I walked down to the platform at Sylvester Baxter too, lots of Bufflehead and Ruddy about it. Mystic Lakes next, walked from the south end up to the dam. Pintail, 300 mergansers, Greater Scaup, Great Cormorant, etc plus 4 eagles. Sandy Beach also had 4 eagles. Walked up through the pines without anything and came back to 8 on the ice. Went up to Melrose for a Snow Goose drive by, too windy to bother with checking the pond.

Sunday 3/9: Did a Worcester county loop. Probably a week too early as there was still more ice than open water. The Snow Geese were at Bolton Flats when I arrived although they flew off shortly after. Also a Pileated, 2 harriers, and lots of blackbirds. Wachusett was mostly frozen, a few goldeneye and mergansers near the spruce grove and a scaup and loon at Fletcher St. Decided that was enough and worked home, checking Delaney (frozen), School St (geese), Nine Acre (geese, Ring-necks, turkeys), and the res (mergansers).

Monday 3/10: Harrier was almost the first bird at Kaveski. Purple Finch was about the only other one of note though. Quick drive through Nine Acre and around the res had nothing worth writing down.

Tuesday 3/11: Killdeer over Cookson, nothing much by the square.

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