WIR 10/9-10/15

Wednesday 10/9: College Pond had a pile of ducks including both teal, 2 swans, and a pile of common sparrows.

Thursday 10/10: Good warbler day at Dunback including Orange-crowned, Tennessee, Nashville, and what had to be a Connecticut. Winter Wren too.

Friday 10/11: Danehy had what seemed like extra dogs plus construction equipment driving along the path on sparrow hill. And the back path had a sign about herbicide spraying, so I avoided that. Ton of Songs, an Indigo Bunting, and not too much else.

Saturday 10/12: Started at Waltham St. Bunch of Yellow-rumps along the entrance, bunch of Savannahs in the field, and a blackbird perched in the corn. Looked odd, seemed to show some yellow. I tried to get around and get better light but it flew. Started to walk around and saw a bird drop back in, so I circled the one strip and got another view. Still in bad light, but it looked pretty clearly yellow on the throat. And examining the pics, there was a hint down the chest, some white tipped primary coverts, and a tiny bit of yellow at the vent, which was enough to send out a message calling it a Yellow-headed. Worked the rest of the fields, ton of common sparrows, a couple flyover pipits, and not much else.

Dunback next, mostly the same as Thursday. Nashville replaced the Tennessee at Bacon, no Connecticut or Blackpolls, even more Yellow-rumps. Circled out to Blossomcrest and around, then went down to the other side of Waltham St, but several of the farm team were there, so I didn’t stay. Quick look at Hobbs Brook had a Semipalmated Plover and 8 Lesser Yellowlegs. Cambridge Res had 4 GW Teal. Hardy had very little.

Sunday 10/13: Started at Great Pond in Randolph. Did a very long loop from Oak St. Had no luck with the godwit but did have the Dunlin, which I somehow still needed for Norfolk. Also a bunch of Semi plovers and sandpipers, a BT Green, BH Vireo, Merlin, couple Field Sparrows, GW Teal, the hybrid Aythya, a Tree Swallow, and a bit more. Stopped at Magazine Beach on the way home. No Brant, but there were people just finishing up on the fields. Did have a Blackpoll, both kinglets, a BH Vireo, one of the Peregrines, etc.

Monday 10/14: Flock of scaup on the res. BT Blue, few Blackpolls, etc at Sandy Beach. Nothing exciting driving out to Stockbridge and back.

Tuesday 10/15: Usual at BBN. Still one egret, one peep(?) that got away, a flyover pipit among the more interesting stuff.

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