Wednesday 9/14: Dunback was really quiet, 3 redstarts, a vulture, a grosbeak, and that was about it.
Thursday 9/15: Prairie Warbler, Osprey, 3 Blackpoll, 2+ White-throats, not much else at Danehy.
Friday 9/16: Not much beyond RB Nuthatches at Brewster’s Woods and October Farm.
Saturday 9/17: The annual hawkwatching day. Four loons on Fitchburg Res to start then very little on the hike up. Good Broad-wing day with 850+ along with lots of sharpies, 4 harriers, etc. Ten pipits were nice too.
Sunday 9/18: Missed the chat and no sign of the Golden-winged at Rock Meadow, busy for a bit with oriole, Swainson’s Thrush, a few Purple Finches, etc. Hayden Woods was pretty quiet beyond a BT Blue, Waltham St. was much quieter than last week but did get a Lincoln’s finally.
Monday 9/19: Very little at Great Meadows.
Tuesday 9/20: Fresh Pond had a few warblers and if I didn’t hit every red light on the way over I would have seen even more of them.