Wednesday 8/31: Nothing at the res. Same shorebirds at Hobbs Brook, potentially including the melanistic yellowlegs Cliff found at BBN last week.
Thursday 9/1: Went to Prospect Hill for the first time in ages, not particularly worth the effort. Veery, Parula, Black-and-white about it.
Friday 9/2: Dunback had a Wilson’s, Parula, several redstarts, couple Veeries, a Wood Thrush, and a woodcock (on the ground!).
Saturday 9/3: Went west a bit. High Ridge WMA was on the quiet side, Merlin, Zabulon Skipper, Red Crossbills the most interesting. Lake Wampanoag Bog didn’t have much for odes, did have a Ruffed Grouse though.
Sunday 9/4: Hobbs Brook had better views of the yellowlegs, a Broad-wing, and an interesting skimmer. Four wigeon at the south end of the res.
Monday 9/5: Nothing at the res. Brief views of the adult Yellow-crowned at Borden, snipe finally at Great Meadows but not much else there. Fewer shorebirds at Hobbs Brook but the yellowlegs was close enough to get decent photos finally.
Tuesday 9/6: Didn’t bother much with the rain, nothing in a midafternoon zip around the res. Did look up once while working to see a whole line of Herring Gulls going over.