Wednesday 1/5: GW Teal by the foot bridge in Watertown, nothing at Gore.
Thursday 1/6: Yellowthroat was a big surprise at BBN. Also a few Red-wings and a Bufflehead was still around.
Friday 1/7: Too snowy
Saturday 1/8: Started at Great Meadows. Virginia Rail popped up at the bridge, then a few dabbling ducks flew over including a shoveler. Caught up with the Field Sparrow along the river but that was about it. Kaveski was quiet, a few waxwings at Meriam’s. Looped Nine Acre briefly and had a raven but no geese. Usual stuff on the res in the afternoon.
Sunday 1/9: Quick check of the res was all I managed, Merlin going over was the only thing different.
Monday 1/10: Same at the res.
Tuesday 1/11: Too cold