Wednesday 4/21:
Thursday 4/22: BBN had 2 BH Vireo, a House Wren, ravens, and a few others.
Friday 4/23: Tanner’s Brook was fairly quiet.
Saturday 4/24: Went out to Assabet (south side) and the Desert. Flyover crossbills and a siskin or two plus lots of pine elfins and a few azures. No tiger beetles or other bugs of note. Got home in time for the DSA meeting.
Sunday 4/25: Went up to Essex county for my annual miss of White-faced Ibis. Started at Cherry Hill Res for the Cave Swallow though. Second pass it was perched along the side of the road (thanks Ava!). Spent half an hour with it and then half an hour waiting for it to come back. Rain started shortly after and no ibis were obvious as I drove by so I didn’t even stop (although as I write, no sightings yet today). Pulled in at Lake Quannapowitt on the way home just in case something came down in the rain, but Bufflehead was the only thing of mild interest. Even less at Cambridge Res.
Monday 4/26: Parula about it at Dunback.
Tuesday 4/27: Nothing new at BBN. Scanned Cutler Lake on the way home from a vaccine appointment, nothing there.