Wednesday 2/24: Nothing at Gore. RB Merg (Watertown bird!), first spring Grackle, Wood Ducks, and a couple Redpolls at the square.
Thursday 2/25: Skating rink at BBN. Bluebird always nice especially without the boxes at Rock Meadow, a few Red-wings, and FOY Killdeer went over.
Friday 2/26: Tried Mt. Auburn again, as much because I figured it would be easy to walk around as anything. Red Crossbill flew over by Auburn Lake then had a goose sitting in the middle of the Dell. Looped around the tower and decided to give Auburn another quick check and had the flock of White-wings (‘commute’ #238!) in almost the same place. Also started the day with a Red-wing singing from the yard and had a flock of grackles go over.
Saturday 2/27: Ran out in the snow to Arlington Res, pintail, GW Teal about it. Checked Blair Pond (Common Merg and Ring-neck) and then buzzed Fresh Pond and Hardy without anything.
Sunday 2/28: Started at Millennium. Bluebirds flew up as I was sliding past the Sora spot, much overdue in Suffolk. Quiet otherwise. Worked down the river a bit on the way home. Usual ducks at Norumbega, more at Charlesbank plus a raven. Decided to skip Mt. Feake and go to Purgatory. Lot of ducks including some smaller ones on the ice, so I got out to scope. Crossbill was calling, Charles #170! Four Wood Duck, 4 GW Teal, more of the other ducks too.
Monday 3/1: Too rainy early, work call ran a bit long and then it was rainy again.
Tuesday 3/2: Gave Nine Acre a quick run just to get out even though it was too cold and windy, saw nothing.