Wednesday 10/3: Lots of Swamp Sparrows and not much else at Great Meadows (other than a brief flyby flock of mostly Pecs).
Thursday 10/4: Missed the Dickcissel at Rock Meadow and didn’t have too much else.
Friday 10/5: Usual at Wayland Community Gardens, Bronze Copper the best.
Saturday 10/6: Started at Danehy (planned before the WE Vireo showed up). No vireo, lots of other birds including 7(+) species of warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow(s), Warbling Vireo, and Rusty Blackbird. Spy Pond had very little, Meadowbrook had a Black-and-white and a BH Vireo. Lower end of the Mystic Lakes had a nice flock with Parula, Black-and-white, Redstart, more vireos, both kinglets, etc. Sandy Beach had Purple Finches and a sapsucker.
Sunday 10/7: Led an MBC walk at Waltham St. Started nicely except the birds refused to sit still but then died down and we had basically no birds on the normally busy edges of the back right field. Dunback was about the same. I continued to BBN (nothing around the parkway), Rock Meadow (ravens, WC Sparrow but no Dickcissel), and the duck ponds (nothing).
Monday 10/8: Great Meadows was quiet. Did have a couple Pecs and a yellowlegs on the way out plus first pipit of the season. Decided to head back to Danehy from there and refind the possibly interesting warbler from the other day. No luck with that, felt like pretty complete turnover. Nashville, White-crowned, not too much else exciting. Continued to Fresh Pond. GW Teal at the golf course, 2 Orange-crowns at Lusitania were the highlights.
Tuesday 10/9: Lindentree had extra electric fences, 3 pipits, and not a ton else.