Wednesday 7/25: No shorebirds or much of anything at the duck ponds or BBN.
Thursday 7/26: Nothing particularly exciting at Farm Pond.
Friday 7/27: Usual at Forest Grove, House Wren was a river year bird.
Saturday 7/28: Nothing at Nine Acre. Ospreys had fledged at Knox Trail. Ayer section of Oxbow NWR had a Tennessee Warbler and a good number of other things. And lots of mosquitos.
Sunday 7/29: Great Egret and not much else at Draw Seven/Earhart. Showed Karsten and a visitor around Hanscom, got just about everything expected other than Prairie Warbler.
Monday 7/30: Parula, 2 Redstarts, probably more at BBN.
Tuesday 7/31: Tried for another early warbler at Nobscot but settled for a woodcock.