Wednesday 5/17: Nobscot had an Olive-sided, BB Cuckoo, a few warblers, etc.
Thursday 5/18: Couple Canadas among others at Prospect Hill. Good variety of butterflies and a Stream Cruiser too.
Friday 5/19: Mink at Great Meadows.
Saturday 5/20: Started at Watatic with a bunch of warblers, Bay-breasted being the highlight. Also some whitefaces, Silvery Blues, and an American Emerald. Went to Heald Orchard in Pepperell next, great place. Even with a noon start, there were birds all over including 2 BB Cuckoos, several empids, and double digit warblers.
Sunday 5/21: Quiet at Mt. Auburn, did get Swainson’s Thrush finally. Quick check of the duck ponds had another.
Monday 5/22: BB Cuckoo, Willow Flycatcher, waterthrush at Forest Grove plus over 60 Chimney Swifts on the cove.
Tuesday 5/23: Bit nicer than expected so BBN. First bird out of the car was a flyover loon. Fairly quiet after that, although quite a few patch first of years still trickling in (BB Cuckoo the best).