Wednesday 4/12: Back to NH. Sun was lousy at Hampton Beach but a few Brant, 2 Piping Plovers, and lots of loons were highlights. Ended up at the Former Weapons Storage Area of Great Bay NWR after and had a few warblers (Louisiana Waterthrush the best).
Thursday 4/13: Forest Grove/Purgatory had all 3 expected warblers but not a ton else.
Friday 4/14: Field Sparrow and the usual at Arlington Res.
Saturday 4/15: Poked around Burlington and got the town list to 99 (+Field Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Palm Warbler, Cooper’s Hawk, really tough ones). Three snipe at Waltham St.
Sunday 4/16: Led an MBC walk at BBN, few Palms and Yellow-rumps but not much else. Checked duck ponds and Arlington Res after without much.
Monday 4/17: Round Hill had nesting creepers and a good flock of Rusties. The Desert was pretty quiet. About 30 Ruddies on the res (and Barn Swallows earlier).
Tuesday 4/18: Quiet at Dunback.