Wednesday 4/20: Quiet at Prospect Hill.
Thursday 4/21: Quiet at Dunback.
Friday 4/22: Arlington Res in the morning had a Spotted Sandpiper and tons of Yellow-rimps and Palms. Stopped at Cambridge Res on the way home and had a Long-tailed Duck.
Saturday 4/23: Quiet at the res, Flint’s, and then pouring at Great Meadows. Did finally get Barn Swallows. Afternoon walk around AGM had a Henry’s Elfin.
Sunday 4/24: BH Vireos and Black-and-white Warblers at Mt. Auburn in the morning, 3 species of ode at Assabet in the afternoon.
Monday 4/25: Yellow Warbler at Forest Grove.
Tuesday 4/26: Looped around a bit and had next to nothing anywhere.