Wednesday 1/27: Absolutely nothing on the riverwalk and about the same in a quick check from Cronin’s.
Thursday 1/28: Usual at College Pond.
Friday 1/29: Still no gulls of note at Moody.
Saturday 1/30: Scaup and Ring-necks still at the res (no eagle surprisingly, there’s been one on the ice every morning I’ve gone up 128). GW Teal (new for Cambridge) and shoveler at Alewife. The Orange-crowned was cooperative at Danehy and there was very little at Fresh Pond (did hear and watch the vegetation move from a chipmunk).
Sunday 1/31: Short-eared at Bear Creek, some other stuff at Andrew’s.
Monday 2/1: Big flock(s) of grackles at Dunback plus a couple bluebirds.
Tuesday 2/2: Yellow-rump, 2 Rusties, and a Swamp Sparrow at BBN.