Wednesday 5/21: Started at Rock Meadow, Prairie Warbler was nice but nothing else particularly exciting. Continued to Lone Tree Hill with a bit more of the same. Duck ponds similar as well.
Thursday 5/22: Redstart in the yard, Night-Heron on the Charles.
Friday 5/23: Cliff Swallow and 5 Least Sandpipers were about it at Great Meadows. Or so I thought…
Saturday 5/24: Led a walk at Prospect Hill: 4 loons, 5 ravens, 1 redstart, not a whole lot else.
Sunday 5/25: Started at BBN. Flyover Green Heron was about it to start (plus seeing the new parking area looking close to ready), so I headed over to the West Meadow and had a singing Alder Flycatcher (along with 2+ Willows and a Least plus the other expected flycatchers within a couple hundred yards). Back along BBN I added a Least (and a probable Canada Warbler). Tried one of the side trails and ended up on Concord Ave, so walked to Rock Meadow. Quiet there except for a Canada Warbler just before crossing the bridge back to BBN. Rest of the walk was fairly quiet beyond a calling cuckoo.
Monday 5/26: Great Meadows was quiet, as was Heard Pond. Sun finally came out so I moved on to Assabet River. Once things dried out, Harlequin Darners everywhere, 2 Ringed Boghaunters, a White Corporal, and a few others (but not the 17 species seen the day before).
Tuesday 5/27: Started with a Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling when I woke up. Habitat survey had a few Ovenbirds and thrushes (and a Luna Moth hindwing). Went to Prospect Hill later in the morning, lots of duskywings, Hobomok Skippers, etc.