WIR 8/14-8/20

Wednesday 8/14: Great Meadows was pretty quiet. Finally got both teal but nothing else of note.

Thursday 8/15: Cape with Bob. Fairly slow day, but a few Forster’s Terns, a Whimbrel, a Prairie Warbler, and a few other things were worthwhile.

Friday 8/16: Went out to Fort Pond Brook with Alan and Soheil. Possible Zebra Clubtail was replaced by a Dragonhunter or two but otherwise it was slow.

Saturday 8/17: BBN had lots of redstarts, a Chestnut-sided, and another woodcock. More of the same at the duck ponds but finally got a waterthrush.


Sunday 8/18: Got the expected Olive-sided at Dunback plus a waterthrush. 

Monday 8/19: Rock Meadow had loads of hummingbirds and a late family of Orchard Orioles. Two Leasts and a Solitary were it at the ponds. Nighthawks over the yard finally.


Tuesday 8/20: Two Snowy Egrets were about it at Great Meadows (lots of the expected shorebirds though).