2006 in Review

A few highlights from 2006.


  • 272 birds, 243 in MA, 184 in Middlesex county, 129 in Waltham, 60 in the yard
  • 16 lifers, 12 state birds, 9 Middlesex county birds, 11 for Waltham, 4 yard
  • Favorite birds:
    • Overall:
      1. Black-tailed Godwit
      2. Black Rosy-Finch
      3. King Rail
    • Mass:
      1. Black-tailed Godwit
      2. Marbled Godwit
      3. Dovekie
    • Middlesex:
      1. King Rail
      2. Le Conte’s Sparrow
      3. Ruffed Grouse
    • Waltham:
      1. Northern Saw-whet Owl
      2. Eastern Bluebird
      3. Fox Sparrow
    • Yard:
      1. Eastern Screech-Owl
      2. Fox Sparrow
      3. Yellow Warbler
  • Big Misses:
    • Mass:
      1. Baird’s Sandpiper
      2. Alder Flycatcher
      3. Philadelphia Vireo
    • Middlesex:
      1. Orange-crowned Warbler
      2. Glossy Ibis
      3. Olive-sided Flycatcher
  • Favorite Trips:
    • Jan: 1/21 Plum with MBC (4 Snowies)
    • Feb: 2/19 Waltham/Lexington (3 owls 45 minutes, 5 miles)
    • Mar: 3/11 NAC, GMNWR (fun early spring day)
    • Apr: 4/2 Belle Isle and more (Stilt, Oystercatchers, late Snowy)
    • May: 5/17 GMNWR (King Rail)
    • Jun: 6/21 Minuteman Survey
    • Jul: 7/15 Stellwagen (huge shearwater show)
    • Aug: 8/26 South Beach with MBC
    • Sep: 9/2 Dunback/Waltham St. with MBC (8 hummingbirds, Dickcissel and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher later)
    • Oct: 10/1 Rock Meadow with MBC (Blue Grosbeak)
    • Nov: 11/9 Bosque del Apache
    • Dec: 12/17 Greater Boston CBC


  • 68 dragonflies, 66 Mass, 28 new
  • 65 butterflies, 60 Mass, 20 new
  • Favorite Odes:
    1. Ski-tipped Emerald
    2. American Rubyspot
    3. Citrine Forktail
  • Favorite Butterflies:
    1. Harvester
    2. Common Buckeye
    3. Mulberry Wing