WIR 9/18-9/24

Wednesday 9/18: Waterthrush about it at Dunback.

Thursday 9/19: Expected good Great Meadows weather but it was much too nice for that so went to Arlington Res. Smaller numbers but the same shorebirds and ducks, a Palm, a Peregrine or two, etc.

Friday 9/20: Still minimal rain, but hit Great Meadows. And saw nothing. Gave up with enough time to buzz Hobbs Brook, which had a few shorebirds (but not enough time to actually park and walk back). Res had the cormorant on the sign again but nothing else and nothing but Mallards at Hardy.

Saturday 9/21: Went searching for Forster’s Tern in Suffolk today. Started at Revere Beach where there were gulls at both ends but not much else. Gave Winthrop Beach a check next, which was a mistake considering how hard it was raining. Had what was probably a Western Sandpiper but not much else. Town Landing had what was probably a tern but distant, so I went over to Fisherman’s Bend where there were a couple perched on a boat with some Commons. They flew, so I went to Pico to get closer. Terns didn’t return but lots of birds around including a golden-plover flyby with a flock of Black-bellies. Got wet again at Earhart on the way home, Palm, bunch of Savannahs, and a couple Yellowthroats the only things of interest.

Sunday 9/22: Quick check of the res had a Cooper’s but nothing else. Nothing but swans on Heard. Heard Farm had a few shorebirds, lots of raptors and first of fall White-throats (plus a heron that looked interesting flying way off). Decent flock of warblers behind the community gardens along with FOF Lincoln’s Sparrow, although the light didn’t allow for a full check. That took a bit longer than I expected, so I skipped Hobbs Brook and just went to Waltham St. Lots of Savannahs, another Lincoln’s, a Yellow Warbler, and that was about it.

Monday 9/23: Danehy had a BH Vireo, redstart, pile of sparrows (mostly Savannah), towhee, and junco. Couple Ruddy at Hardy.

Tuesday 9/24: Was going to Rock Meadow but a tree truck pulled in in front of me so Lone Tree Hill it was. One decent flock with 3+ RE Vireos, a Blue-headed, a few Blackpolls, a redstart, and a Black-and-white plus a few others scattered along with a Field Sparrow. Had enough time to cross over and do the gardens, not much there.

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